❤️LOVE Air Coffee – Innovative coffee blockchain company ❤️

ince old occasions, individuals have valued the rich taste and choice smell of a Cup of newly made espresso. Espresso has most likely dependably been and is the primary beverage of all humankind and even after over one century keeps on possessing a main position on the planet. In spite of the fact that before our precursors cherished espresso no short of what we do, however presently espresso has turned into a genuine clique. I think you have room schedule-wise to focus on what amount started to build up the business of espresso utilization. Individuals drink this beverage consistently at home, at work, in bistros, bars and eateries, take it out with them or get it in espresso machines. Espresso has turned into a piece of our every day life.
What would i be able to state the analysts led an examination in which uncovered, in rate terms, how much espresso we expend each day. Furthermore, shockingly, this figure has since quite a while ago surpassed 1.6 billion containers every day, and for the year this sum is moving toward 500 some espresso. I don't think about you, however I was somewhat stunned by this insights. Things being what they are, the espresso advertise is the second biggest on the planet after oil. Who might have thought…
In spite of all its insane prevalence, the espresso business is as yet encountering various troubles and issues related in any case:
with sicknesses of espresso plants themselves;
with exceptionally mind boggling and uncontrolled climatic highlights of the zone where espresso beans develop every year;
with further nature of the conveyed grain;
with countless;
with always coasting value level;
what's more, other customer errors, because of which the purchaser gets misshaped data about the bought item which does not determine the different creepy crawly bugs influencing the espresso trees themselves and their organic products.
Every one of these criteria influence the further nature of espresso, which is the fundamental wellspring of interest. All things considered, great espresso should meet the taste parameters, yet in addition the value, the brand's acclaim, the nation of the maker and other criteria that decide the costly assortment of espresso from shoddy. Also, as training appears, you can ruin the espresso in all respects effectively and essentially, it is important to disregard the temperature routine of cooking. From that point onward, you won't get that refined taste and smell, and get many huge amounts of consumed grains, from which no taste, no advantage, no benefit.
To take care of this issue offers a group of experts who have created and protected a totally new innovation of air broiling espresso beans, just as concluded its whole idea of current blockchain innovation.
About the project
LOVE Air Coffee is a new industrial concept of the entire coffee business. LOVE Air Coffee is a set of engineering and digital technologies, within which a new era of the entire coffee industry will emerge. But not to be unfounded, I propose to study the idea of LOVE Air Coffee in more detail.

Design feature
As I mentioned earlier, the founding team has developed and patented a unique equipment, which in the process carries out the air roasting of coffee beans, due to which they:
- able to minimize the loss of the final weight of coffee after roasting;
- improve its taste and aroma. Due to the fact that the grain will no longer be in direct contact with the hot iron due to which in the process of roasting the grains formed cracks and other splits that affect the final quality of the drink;
- also, a new type of processing will allow to preserve the most useful properties of the coffee beans, as well as reduce the time of their heat treatment;
- which will naturally have a positive impact on the entire financial side of the coffee process.

If we talk about the blockchain capabilities, then this system will finally allow to exclude a huge number of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the consumer of the coffee itself, and will also allow to develop a new business model of the entire coffee industry. For convenience, the founders of LOVE Air Coffee will develop their decentralized application on their EVOL blockchain.
Within the application, the user will have access to such functions as:
- internal wallet;
- own social page, with all the ensuing tape (your chosen interests and relevant topic, news);
- private and public chats;
- access to coffee companies and other related projects in this area;
- as well as various types of search: by people, by interests, by navigation and so on.

In simple words, the application LOVE Air Coffee intends to create a new communicative structure of interaction between consumers of goods with their producers. Where in real time, on a transparent blockchain it will be possible to personally monitor the quality of the purchased goods, share with your friends the impressions received, and also receive for your active activity the internal tokens of the project, which later can be exchanged for a Cup of fragrant coffee or withdraw from the system through the built-in wallet.

Initially, developers for pre-sales issued 1 billion LAC coins developed on the basis of The Ethereum blockchain (ERC20). In the process, as I have already written to you, they intend to create their own blockchain – blockchain EVOL. In order to provide quality service of all payment transactions made within the LOVE Air Coffee system. And also not to put an extra load on the entire Ethereum system.
The distribution of tokens is as follows:


As for the evaluation of the project as a whole, this is the first concept I have met. It will be interesting to use the whole system in practice, so I plan to closely monitor the further implementation plan of the project, which I wish you.
Nevertheless, for more detailed information on the project, I recommend you to study their technical documentation, as well as a number of official resources, where you can find a lot of useful information. All links are backed up at the end of the review, thank you for your attention and see you again!

Official resources of the LOVE Air Coffee project:

Author info:
BitcoinTalk UserName: Saima Rahaman
BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2538461
My Ether Wallet: 0x59C585779D8883efCB19a30D8FAe1B9988AdE2D7
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